International Joint Venture and Merger & Acquisitions
It is very useful to have an accurate and comprehensive company valuation as it provides details on different variables underpinning the value of business. In addition to this, it also indicates the impact of any fluctuations in variables can have on the value. For a M&A transaction, whether acquisition, divestment, joint venture, or fundraising, drawing up a valuation is a fundamental step while preparing for favourable negotiations as well as for maximizing value of the company.
Our valuation experts have decades of experience in providing valuation services to both our domestic and international clients. Our opinions and recommendations are logical, well-thought-out backed by numerical based arguments and latest analytical tools. We are up for any challenge and our team is well-equipped to navigate any complex valuation related issues that the client needs a solution for.
Importance of Valuation for a Seller:
Business Valuation is an important tool for a seller to negotiate the terms of sale as it tells them a value range of their business and makes the seller aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the business which could be quite critical in a sale process.
Importance of Valuation for a Buyer:
We believe as a buyer you should not accept the valuation carried out by the seller, you should do your own assessment that would help in understanding the target in-depth and pick out angles that could be useful in negotiations.
How does ILOC help with Business Valuation?
Whether you are planning an acquisition or looking to sell your business, form a Joint Venture or raising funds to expand business, our valuation experts are here to help you with the challenges of transaction. We use modern data analytics and visualization tools that enable us to deal with the complications of modelling and all kinds of valuation issues.
Thank you for your interest. Write to us with your inquiries, questions or request a meeting with an expert to discuss about potential valuation of your business. Our team would review the form and revert back shortly.